Nineteen years ago, on a whim, I flew with a friend to Laguna Beach, California to attend a week long workshop with Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. To say it was life changing would be an understatement.
The approximately 150 of us in attendance spent the entire week learning about angels and other unseen, nonphysical beings. We learned how to give mediumship readings, pet readings, and angel readings, and at the end of the week we were sent home to practice on friends. Once we proved that we had completed all of our assignments we received the title of Angel Therapy Practitioner®.
I wrote about this experience in my book, How to Connect to Spirit. We were told to pair up with a stranger in class, take their hands in our own, and mentally scan the energy around their heads. I will never forget the first deceased person I “saw” in my mind’s eye. I felt absolutely stupid describing a man in a gold short sleeve shirt with a combover, until my partner exclaimed that I was describing her late father in his favorite shirt. I connected with the late friend of another stranger, and was able to tune in to a bit more about her and her circumstances. I was blown away by the success we were all having with this method. When it came time to do a pet reading I was shocked and disappointed when the dog I connected with brought a matter-of-fact “No, that’s not my dog” response from my designated stranger. Doreen stopped the class and announced that we had a lost dog. In other words, the dog I saw may not have belonged to my stranger, but he belonged to someone! I described a large white dog who looked as though he had been splattered with black and brown paint and who showed me his favorite oval rug to sleep on. The lady right in front of my seat claimed him. I asked what his name had been and she said his name was Dog! While I concentrated to bring a dog through for my partner, I must have focused too much on the word “dog” and another canine named Dog jumped in to make himself known!
Since that time I have had some success being able to connect with deceased loved ones, and I have had great success with identifying angels and/or spirit guides for people. I have gotten validating feedback from my clients. The names and descriptions have resonated with people, and I often hear things like, “That’s exactly how I pictured the person who has been helping me!” or “You described the energy of what I am always feeling around me perfectly.”
If you would like a reading to identify your guardian angel and/or guide(s), the button below will take you to my Angel Reading request form.