Take It With a Grain of Salt

The first thing I would like to say today is that nothing is carved in stone.  No one teacher has all the answers or all the right information. 

So many people ask questions about things that we really don't know the answers to.  For example, I learned that angels are different from departed loved ones and guides.  My understanding is that angels are powerful beings that have never lived an earthly incarnation.  Conversely, I've also been told that our guides are human beings that once walked the earth and are now in spirit.   They can include famous people, people we shared past lives with, and even loved ones we've known in this lifetime. 

A lot of people, even famous mediums will say something different.  They will tell a person getting a reading something like, "Your grandmother is your angel now."  Well, I don't personally believe Grandma morphs into an angel, but if that is comforting to hear or say, go ahead and use that phrase.  It doesn't matter.  My understanding from scripture and other studies says angels are different entities from departed humans, but who the heck are we to say that any of us are experts.  We haven't gone to the Other Side in order to learn this truth first hand. 

One famous psychic medium, the late Sylvia Browne, claimed in at least one of her books that angels don't speak.  Well, I studied in depth with Doreen Virtue, the angel authority, and I am an Angel Therapy Practitioner®, and I can hear angels with my inner ear.  Doreen has written volumes about all the things angels have told her. 

My point in bringing this up is not to malign anyone, but just to state that there is no absolute truth in these kinds of observations.  Maybe angels didn't speak to Sylvia, but they speak to me! 

So, try not to get too hung up on the "facts" as they are relayed by different experts.  It is far more important to keep an open mind and learn to understand your truth.  This is a personal journey with personal experiences.  Lose the need to be right or have the exact answers.  This is a fun journey and it will vary for all of us. 

Next time, let's talk about meditation and how useful it is in opening us to Spirit.  It's been given a bad rap, and it's really a wonderful experience that we don't need to dread.