Hello, and welcome to my new blog! Here I will share tips that I have learned over many years of attending pricey workshops and taking quite a few online courses.
I am guessing that since you are reading this, you have a passion for things of a spiritual nature, just as I do. Ever since the very first mediumship reading I got, shortly after my father transitioned, I was hooked and wanted that same connection.
I am happy to say that I have a good connection now. I'm not going to be getting up on a stage any time soon because I don't seem to have the ability to perform on demand like professional mediums can, but I do have a clear channel as far as being able to tune in for my own knowledge. I can sit down and write out a question for my guides or my late father, and guidance will start flowing out of my pen and onto the paper.
There are many tips and tricks to learn to tune in, and I will share every one of them that I have. I welcome your feedback as far as topics you would like covered. If I don't know the answer, I will find it, or get a guest blogger in here.
Some of the topics I plan to cover are:
How to raise your vibration
How using your imagination really is a part of receiving information
The importance of a tribe of like-minded people
Automatic writing
Seeing bright lights, shimmering air, and other signs of spirits
My views on ghost hunting
Angel communication
Chills and physical sensations from spirits
That is just off the top of my head. There is so much to cover. So, I will leave my first blog right at this point and dive in on some of the good stuff next time!